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and domestic transportation company

since 1992

International and domestic road transportation company "Autodoprava Jan Urbánek s.r.o."


The “Autodoprava Jan Urbánek s.r.o.” company has been providing reliable and high-quality transportation and logistics services for more than 25 years.

We arrange cargo transportation in the Czech Republic and other regions of Europe, using vehicles with the loading capacity of 100 to 25,000 kg. Our long-term specialization is import and export transportation between Germany and the Czech Republic. Our professional team and our own vehicle fleet enable us to provide an optimal solution for every situation.

Thanks to many years of tradition and modern approach we are able to offer a reliable, fast and affordable logistic solution for any of your transportation needs. We also set up complete logistic solutions specifically tailored to your company. We offer long-term cooperation as well as one-time, express and other services.

During our work, we put an emphasis on professionalism and reliability. A safe delivery of every shipment is our main priority. To achieve this, we provide our services using only our own vehicle fleet or proven, long-term partners. 

Documents for download

Certificate of Incorporation
[-- certificate_of_incorporation_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
[-- eurolicence_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Concession Deed
[-- concession_deed_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
VAT Number Registration
[-- vat_number_registration_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Certificate of Road Carrier's Liability Insurance Europe
[-- certificate_of_road_carriers_liability_insurace_czeurope_ad_urbanek_05-2017.pdf --]
Certificate of Road Carrier's Liability Insurance Germany
[-- certificate_of_road_carriers_liability_insurace_germany_ad_urbanek_05-2017.pdf --]
Waste Transport Certificate CZ and Germany
[-- waste_tramsport_certificate_decz_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Waste Transport Certificate NL
[-- waste_transport_certificate_nl_ad_urbanek.pdf --]

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Autodoprava Urbánek s.r.o.